We believe that for a planning process to be most effective, it should include you, relevant members of your family, our team, and your family’s tax and legal professionals, where appropriate. It’s why the planning process we employ is a dynamic, team-based endeavor. Here is an outline of the steps we use in designing, implementing and managing a comprehensive wealth plan for you.


As with all meaningful relationships, we’ll begin simply by getting to know one another – ensuring that you’re fully aware of our capabilities, and that we have a sound understanding of your personal goals, financial situation, investment experience and level of comfort with risk. We can also provide educational support to assist our clients in understanding the scope of services we offer to help you meet your objectives.


We will analyze the information you share with us and design solutions intended to help you reach your objectives. This step may involve collaboration with other specialists or your existing professionals, such as your CPA or attorney. We will present our recommendations to you, answer your questions, consider alternatives and outline the steps we need to take to implement your strategy.


After reviewing your plan and addressing your questions and concerns, we will execute your customized strategy using the extensive tools available to us. This involves the selection of specific account types, investment products and optional services. We will also address items that may serve you in the future and track the implementation of those strategies.


Once implemented, we continually monitor the progress of our recommendations relative to your defined objectives, suggesting changes where needed. A key to this step is your involvement in the process and communication of any significant changes in your life. To help ensure your plan remains aligned with your needs and objectives over time, we’ll meet on a regular basis and provide ongoing account activity reporting.

A process in place for building your plan